Laughs & Snacks

Digital Social Video

Fiber One is all about making resolution season (and daily snack time) more enjoyable.

With that mission in mind, The Foundry produced a one-of-a-kind comedy special featuring stand-up comedian Becca O’Neal. Dubbed “No Snackrifices,” the 15-minute set poked fun at working toward wellness goals in the new year — with O’Neal proclaiming that winter should be for hibernating instead of resolution-ing and musing about multi-tasking (a.k.a. watching dystopian sci-fi movies while working out).

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A video of the full “No Snackrifices” set, 19 cutdowns with jokes from the show, and a series of wellness tips were housed in a custom destination on Entertainment Weekly. Content was added to the page on a rolling basis during the month of January. Custom imagery and playful GIFs were also peppered throughout the vibrant destination page.

Instagram and TikTok posts redirected readers to the digital destination, encouraging them to let laughter and Fiber One be their partners in achieving realistic wellness goals — and making resolution season more enjoyable.